Mahienour Al-Masry
Lawyer, member of the Movement of Revolutionary Socialists and human rights defender, She was born in 1986.

She is remanded in custody pending Case 488 of 2019 in Al-Qanater Women's Prison.

Mahienour was known for defending human rights in Egypt and supporting workers' rights. Among her most noteworthy works is the enquiry into the killing of Khaled Saeed, whose brutal murder by the Egyptian police represented the reason for the first demonstrations on January 2011. Following the Revolution, she continued her activity in support of workers, political detainees and victims of human rights violations. She also became a most prominent voice in demanding the independence of the Egyptian judiciary.

The Ludovic Trario Prize Committee awarded her the Prize of the Year in 2014. She was in prison at the time.

Because of her activism in defense of human rights, and her role in support of freedom of expression and peaceful protests in Egypt, Mahienour Al-Masry was arrested on September 22, 2019, in relation to the events of the September 2019 (especially the demonstrations in front of the State Security Prosecution office). While attending an investigation as one of the imprisoned activists' defendant, she was arrested and accused of joining an illegal group, publishing false news and misusing social media, Case No. 488 of 2019.

To date, she is remanded in custody pending the case in Qanater Prison, and it has been reported that in the last investigation session on 3 March 2021, Lawyer Mahienour Al-Masry’s detention was renewed for 45 days pending investigation, although the State Security Prosecution or National Security Investigations did not provide any evidence to prove the validity of the accusations against her.

Time Line.
