Bologna, 17th February 2021

EgyptWide (Egyptian Italian Initiative for Rights and Freedoms) announces the beginning of its activity as an independent no-profit organisation working to expose the abuses perpetrated by the Egyptian military regime, and bring the voices of Egyptian human rights defenders on exile at the core of the debate on international relations between Italy and Egypt.

Based in Italy, the Initiative has been created by Egyptian diaspora activists and local activists. The Initiative's work consists in analysing, documenting, monitoring, and raising awareness about repressive mechanisms depriving the Egyptian population of its basic rights to freedom, justice and social security. We are committed to promoting accountability and implementation of human rights through research, reporting, and advocacy.

EgyptWide builds spaces for dialogue with the Italian civil society, as it represents a potential ally in lobbying the Italian government for changes in its diplomatic and trade relations with Egypt. In fact, the very existence as well as the nature of the current strategic agreements between the two countries represent the Italian government's silent but loud endorsement of the regime's agency.

Finally, the Initiative's work promotes an idea of transnational solidarity which aims at bridging cultural divide and geographical distance by prioritising common human rights and needs, whose mutual recognition is often disregarded in the neoliberal-authoritarian paradigm currently informing international relations.
